- On Friday 5th of March at 21 pm at the Sarrià’s
Parish Center, it was held the traditional „Sopar de la
Fam“ (a dinner organized in support for the poor) to raise
funds for the project „La Mansion“ in Peru. Stephanie
Wildenberg, a board member of „Claim for Dignity e.V.“
as a cooperator in Arequipa (Peru) spent six months working in
the project, made a presentation and shared her experience in
relation with it. The collection amounted up to € 285. Thank
you all!
- In May will take place the 11th edition of the Fair Trade Festival
and the Ethical Bank Day in Barcelona (Sarrià). CxD is
a collaborating institution. Throughout the month there will be
exhibitions, conferences, talks ... and on Saturday, the 8th of
May at the Plaça de Sant Vicenç de Sarrià
(Barcelona) will be a trade fair involving different activities
(concerts, storytelling, eco-lunch...).
- Last 20th April was born Gisela Esparza Muñoz, the daughter
of Mireia and Antonio. Congratulations!
- We need volunteer translators (Catalan / Spanish, Catalan or
Spanish / English).
- Anyone interested in volunteering for „Sostre Project“
in Barcelona, contact Xavier Laguno (xavierlaguno at gmail . com)
or with secretary of CxD.
- 22. and 23.01.10 Michael and Stephanie take part at a conference
of the BDKJ (Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend). The BDKJ
is since 2008 a registered organisation for the volunteer service
„Weltwärts“ of the german ministry of economic
cooperation and development.
- 02.02.10 Stephanie presents the Arequipa-Project at the Christian-Morgernstern-School
and youth-aid in Reutlingen-Rommelsbach. After the presentation
there is an intensive and interesting discussion. The young people
decide to support the project.
- 19.02.10 – Meeting of the members of the association
in Tübingen, in which decisions for the strategic development
are discussed.
- 26.02.10 – Meeting in Langenau with students, teachers
and parents of the Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium for the preparation
of the Weltwärts-stay of Judith Manusch and Sarah Ament
- Presentation of the Arequipa project on the website of
- 16.04.10-19.08.10 Josephine Asche from Tübingen is a field
worker on the Arequipa project.
- Lucia and Serge marry in April in Peru. Our congratulations.
- 26.04.10 Meeting of Michael, Sarah and Judith and the video
study group of the RBG. Planning of a video documentary of the
Peru stay
- Banchu Fañanás-Hernández ist the newest
family member of Maria and Edi. Banchu was born 21.05.2009 in
Mizan (Ethiopia). Edith, Mercè and Tomàs are very
happy about their new sister.
- 28.04 - 02.05.10 Sarah Ament and Judith Manusch receive the
first part of the training from the BDKJ for the Weltwärts
program. Both are from August 2010 to July 2011 in Arequipa (Peru)
to support the project „Poverty and malnutrition versus
- 03.05.10 Meeting of the members of the association in Tübingen
to prepare the general assembly
- 05.06.10 general assembly of the members of the association
in Tübingen
On the 27th December the VI. General Assembly of
CxD took place. The past year has been approved and the statutes
were changed. The newly elected Executive Committee for 2010 consists
of: Aleix Layola (Chairman), Édison Fañanás
(2nd Chairman), Antonio Esparza (Treasurer), Laura Garcia-Faria
(Secretary), Javier Laguno (Committee Member), Carles Hernández
(Committee Member) and Maria Hernàndez (Committee member).
It was decided to elect the Board annually. until now there were
two-year periods.
At the meeting the new address of CxD was accepted:
C / Pare Miquel de Sarrià, 8, 08034 Barcelona (community
center of the community, „St. Vicenç de Sarrià“),
telephone 93 203 97 72.
As for the financial statements 2009 will be a surplus
of € 135.86 (as of 18.12.2009). The principal amounts of
revenue with be represented by 980 € for membership fees
and a donation of 250 € for the project of La Mansion. The
annual costs consist of a Sostre donation of 100 €, the maintenance
of the homepage of 600 € and the cost of the newsletter of
€ 294.80. On the 18th December the deposit account balance
is € 6104.24.
The 2010 budget will be in the same range as 2009
), although with a financial perspective from 1,300 € ( Sostre,
homepage, newsletter and other various expenses). The budget does
not include any subsidies and / or donations, which could be part
of the project „La Mansion“.
On Friday, 5th March in the town center of Sarrià
the traditional „Hunger Dinner“ will be celebrated
to raise money for the project of „La Mansión“
in Peru. Stephanie Wildenberg, board member of Claim for Dignity
Association, which supported six months as a volunteer for the
project in Arequipa will introduce us to the project and report
on their experience.
We continue to work on the possibility that „Clam
per la Dignitat“ is an organization that has tax benefits
when we collect donations. In the near future we will know something
and you will be informed immediately.
We need volunteer translators (Catalan / Spanish,
Catalan or Spanish / English). We welcome to the team Eliana Gonzalez.
Persons interested in the volunteer work of Sostre
in Barcelona may contact Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno at
or the Secretary.
Last December, Viola Auset Duran was born, the daughter
of Viola and Pablo. Congratulations!
- 08.12.09 - meeting in Tübingen. Sending letters
to foundations for project support.
- 10.12.09 - meeting in Langenau. Together with
the teachers of the RBG‘s selection of 2 high school graduates
for the voluntary social year starting in August 2010 in Arequipa:
Judith Manush and Sarah Ament, students of the Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium.
- 12.12.09 – 9th Annual General Meeting in
Aichtal. A brief summary (figures for 2008 accepted. The Peru
Trip. new address, new statutes, board chairmen and treasurer
were confirmed in their positions. New Members: Josephine Asche
and Claudia Motta originally from Arequipa, who lives in Germany:
- 22-23.01.10 the next meeting of the Academic Staff
of the BDKJ Weltwärts Program takes place in Wernau. Stephanie
and Michael will participte.
- The next cfd meeting will take place in spring.
- 21.12.2009: Birth of Antonia Zipp. Daughter of
Walter and Candan. A new potential cfd member. Congratulations!
- Last Friday 21st August members and friends of
“Clam per la Dignitat“ (Clam for Dignity) finally
celebrated the meeting at Sant Just and also the traditional summer
- Next Sunday 8th November at 5 p.m. at Centro Parroquial
de Sarrià (Parish Center of Sarria), address: CPS, C/ Pare
Miquel de Sarrià, 8; 08034 Barcelona, we will celebrate
a meeting of training and sensibilization with a German guest:
The student of Theology Katharina Römel. She will talk about
her experience of volunteer in Bolivia and the German culture
and tradition related with cooperation, especially the habit of
a year volunteer abroad after the secondary school. In this context,
she will present us the program “Weltwärts” that
Germany has to support this voluntary work of cooperation. Edi
will also talk about his recent trip to Peru and the state of
the project.
- The 6th General Assembly is planned for Sunday
27th December at 6 p.m. at Centro Parroquial de Sarrià
(Parish Centre of Sarria).
- For logistic reasons, the Dinner for Hunger for
2009 has been cancelled and we are starting preparing the Dinner
for Hunger for 2010. We will have as a guest Stephanie Wildenberg.
It will be celebrate in Barcelona during Eastern.
- Since 23rd September our friend and member of
“Clam per la Dignitat“ (Clam for Dignity) Irma Fañanás
Lanau is working as nurse in the hospital “San Ricardo Pampuri”
in Asunción (Paraguay). This hospital is dedicated basically
to young terminal ills without economical sources. Her stay will
last one year. Last July she was already in the hospital together
with the Catalonian doctor and almost oncologist José Mazarico.
Good luck Irma! We reserve a little part of the bulletin to explain
your experiences.
- Next 7th November Carles Hernández Clua,
member of the Council of “Clam per la Dignitat“ (Clam
for Dignity) and Natalia Mas, also friend of our organization,
will marry in Barcelona. Our best wishes for this new life you
are starting. Congratulations!
- We continue working with the possibility that
“Clam per la Dignitat“ (Clam for Dignity) becomes
a organization that reduces taxes when one gives us a donation.
We will inform as soon as we have any information.
- We need volunteer translators (Catalan/Spanish,
Catalan or Spanish/English).
- Anyone interested on volunteering for Sostre in
Barcelona, please contact Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno at
or the Secretary’s Office.
-July 13th till 15th, the Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium,
a high school in Langenau, arranged a project about Peru-Poverty-Health
and a charity run for their partner school in La Mansion. We would
like to thank all the students and teachers and especially the
students’ council members for their great commitment.
-By the end of August 3950,00 Euro from the CfD
charity run were send to Peru to be used for the school canteen.
-The school in La Mansion was asigned a new director
for the upcoming term.
-September 9th, Stephanie, Edi, Michael, Sabine
and Maria will meet to decide on further steps and future development
of CfD.
-October 14th, the next supporter meeting of the
BDKJ about the “Weltwärts Programm” will take
place. Stephanie and Michael will take part.
-From October 21st till 30th, Edi, Stephanie,
Michael and two teachers of the Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium, Silke
Kamradt and Markus Braunmiller will be in Arequipa, Peru. In Lima
they will be joined by Carla Gonzàlez and Nedda, two of
our friends. The goal of this trip is to get a general idea about
the situation in La Mansion and to strengthen the co-operation
with CIESCU and to further work on our project “Undernourishment
and Poverty versus Education”. On September 24th, the German
travelers will meet to plan and prepare the trip to Peru.
- The small help that we have requested lastJanuary
for the project of „La Mansión“ in Arequipa
(Peru) to the AMB (Àrea Metropolitana of Barcelona) has
been denied.
- We are trying to organize, like every year, the
Dinner of the Hunger. We can not still specify the day and the
- We keep receiving electronic mail of organizations
and people, the majority of Latin America, who ask us for material
help to finance its projects or else ask us to collaborate with
our ONG. At present the only thing that we can offer them is to
continue in contact through our bulletin. It means that our bulletin
is read by people and organizations that we do not know, who we
also invite to take part in this bulletin. If you have some writing
that can be of interest for all of us, please, send it to us.
Thank you very much.
- On Friday 28 of August at 6 pm we have a meeting
of members and friends of Clam per the Dignitat in the Parish
Center of Sarrià.
- We need voluntary translators (Catalan/Spanish;
Catalan or Spanish/English).
- Who is interested to participate in the voluntary
service of Sostre in Barcelona contact Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno
at or contact the secretary.
On 4th of April the meeting of the members of Claim
for Dignity took place in Filderstadt. Apart from a changing in
the statute there was information about the situation of the different
projects and a discussion about future objectives and lines of
development. The new executive committee consists of Stephanie,
Edi and Michael.
With the help of the BDKJ and thanks to the work
of Edi, Stephanie, Michael and Maria we could receive two volunteer
places for the Peru project, which are financed by the Weltwärts
program of the German Government. We have now the possibility
to act locally, with the help of persons willing to make experiences
in Peru.
The Cooperation with the High School Langenau intensifies
itself. The preparation for the project days, which have the school
in Arequipa to the topic, is in full progress. A journey to Peru
in the autumn is definitely scheduled.
The High School Bretten received planning
documents for its green roof project for Arequipa. We are very
curious about the results.
- On 27 December in Barcelona the Fifth Member Assembly
of „Clam per la Dignitat“ took place. There were goals
for the year 2009, which we can summarize: (1) support for the
project of international cooperation in education versus Malnutrition
in „La Mansion“ (Arequipa, Peru) with the local NGO
CIESCU and with our sister organization in Germany, „Claim
for Dignity e.V.“, (2) support for a local project „Sostre“
in Barceloneta, (3) continue the quarterly bulletin „CexDe“
and the website (4) the possible change of our association headquarter
(the new headquarters would be the community center of the Catholic
community of Sant Vicenç de Sarrià Barcelona) and
(5) carry out the necessary modifications so that the donations
to our association become relevant for tax refunds.
Viola Durán and Miriam Fernández quit the council.
We thank them for their dedication and cooperation and we hope
to continue with them as active members of the association. Manuel
Martín Carmona as secretary and Toni Valls i Castellví
as vocal are the new members of the council of „Clam per
la Dignitat“: Welcome!
- As a association we have decided to participate at the platform
„Derecho a vivir“ („right to life“). On
our website is the linked to the platform to their website
- We have requested funds for the project in „La
Mansion“ from the AMB (Metropolitan Area of Barcelona).
The application is titled „VIP at La Mansión“
as VIP stands for „ventilated improved pit latrine“.
We request funding to build one (or two) latrines in the school
„La Mansión“ in Arequipa (Peru).
- We try to run the annual dinner against hunger.
Date and place are not fixed yet.
- We would like to thank all for membership fees
and donations paid. This year we should have a zero balance, one
of the objectives of the Assembly.
- We need volunteer translators (Catalan / Spanish,
Catalan or Spanish / English).
- Who is interested to participate in the voluntary
service of Sostre in Barcelona contact Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno
at or contact the secretary.
On our website is an information booklet on nutrition
sponsoring for our project in Arequipa / Peru. We ask for your
support and distribution to potentially interested people to keep
the project alive.
The students of the Melanchtron School in Bretten
started with the development of solutions to improve the living
conditions in „La Mansion / Arequipa“.
Stephanie reported on 6th February in the Tübingen
based free radio „Wüste Welle“ one hour about
the project in Arequipa and the association „Claim for Dignity“.
On 13th and 14th February Stephanie, Edi and Michael
took part of an event of BDKJ about the program Weltwärts,
the voluntary service of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development. There were already interviews with interested
persons for voluntary work in Arequipa.
The Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium in Langenau prepare
the Project days 2009 with the main subject „School in La
Due to contingencies at the last moment for reasons beyond our
control, it has been impossible a meeting in Barcelona with José
Álvaro, president of CIESCU-Peru, during his stay in Barcelona
in October, and with Pilar Solà, president of CIESCU-Spain.
The idea of having a public open act together for presenting the
project “La Mansion” was then cancelled.
We still receive offers for people interested in
working or having practices with us. We thank all these applications,
that we always answer and file in our secretary and we trust to
improve our infrastructure in the future to do more.
We also receive applications about concrete project,
like our friend in Peru Carla Leguia, who is searching for a job
in Spain. Please, contact with us in case anybody can help us
about this.
Next Saturday 27th December at 6 p.m. is planified
the 5th General Meeting of “Clam for Dignity” that
will be held at the Centre of the Parish Church of Sant Vicenç
in Sarria. All the members and friends of “Clam”,
please, keep in mind the date.
Anyone interested in the volunteer service of “Sostre”
(Roof) in Barcelona keep in contact with Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno
at or with the Secretary.
On Friday 7th November José Álvaro
Ruiz, president of CIESCU-Perú and director of the project
“La Mansión: education versus malnutrition”
was together with five members of “Clam for Dignity e. V.”
in the Secondary School Robert Bosch in Langenau (Robert-Bosch-Gymnasium,
RBG near the city of Ulm, Germany) in order to show the project
and to seal a patronage between the two schools, where there are
also present the NGO´s CIESCU and “Clam for Dignity
e. V.” The reception of the teachers and students was excellent.
The day culminated with a dinner of friendship paid by the school.
Thank you very much and hope to be the start of a fruitful relationship
for all the implicated parts !
Also on Friday 7th November in the afternoon in
the Parish Church of Saint Michael in Tuebingen José Álvaro
Ruiz presented the project to a group of secondary students interested
in having a one-year voluntary stay in Arequipa. At the end, we
share all together a very delightful dinner.
On last 6th December, the VIII General Meeting of
“Clam for Dignity e.V.” was celebrated in Sabine Molling´s
house in Aich/Aichtal. Finally we were fourteen people. The meeting
was very rich in contents and interchanges. We revised the work
of the last year and, moreover, we talked about how to deal with
the challenges offered by the project of “La Mansion”
and how to distribute the work. Sintetically we can say that Ralf
keeps the contact with the school in Langenau (he was a student
in this school), Michael keeps the relationship with Prof. Eyerer
and the foundation TheoPrax and Stephanie and Edi keep the topic
of voluntaries through Weltwaerts and coordinate the possible
offers of new subsidies. A campaign of food patronage for the
children of the school was approved.
On the other hand, Annette and Andreas kept up to date about the
situation in Kirguizistan and their project “Zuflucht e.V.”
Finally, the measures of the year 2008 were approved and the Director
Council was again elected, which is formed by Michael Schliep,
Stephanie Wildenberg and Édison Fañanás.
The economic management, carried out by Sabine Molling and supervised
by Sabine Schliep, could not be approved, due to the fact that
the year has not already finished. However, it seems that the
economic management will be approved in next meeting and they
both will be again elected for continuing with this responsibility
in 2009. After the meeting, a typical Christmas dinner happened.
Last Wednesday 10th December in the Secondary School
Melanchton in Bretten (Melachthon Gymnasium Bretten, MGB, near
Karlsruhe) and inside the project of cooperation between the Secondary
School and the Fundation TheoPax related to the new subject “Technics
and Sciences of Nature” (Naturwissenscharten und Technik,
NWT) for student between 13 and 14 years-old (Levels 8 and 9 in
the german educational system) the project of “La Mansion”
was presented as a real and practical example of new applications
that can be developed in the subject. Stephanie and Ralf, together
with Prof. Eyerer, president of the Fundation TheoPax, presented
the reality of the neighbourhood of “La Mansion” and
also the architecture possibilities for gaining a little garden
on the roof of the house. Moreover, a physicist took part in order
to explain how wind power works. The act was very participating
and the valuation of Stephanie and Ralf was very positive.
“Claim for Dignity e. V.” joint the
offer of BDKL (Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend, federation
of young German Catholics of the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart)
and the department of “Church of the world” of the
diocese to carry through them the two offers to be done to the
state program to the promotion of international cooperation volunteer
“Welwaerts” supported by the German Ministry of Cooperation
and Development. This means that from August 2009 to July 2010,
two German young boys or girls can spend a one-year volunteer
stay in Arequipa supporting the project “La Mansion”.
Moreover, and also in coordination with the Parish Church of Saint
Michael in Tuebingen and the organization “Pater Stella
e.V.”, two more vacancies of volunteer in Eritrea will be
offered. By 13rd or 14th February is expected to have a diocesan
meeting of all the entities related to the program “Weltwaerts”
that works in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. “Claim
for Dignity e.V.” expects to present four people (The Director
Council and another member not yet decided).
If any young German boy or girl is interested in collaborate in
this program of international cooperation volunteer come into
contact with us before 31st January 2009.
- Nineteen people attended to the Hunger Supper
celebrated on Friday, 23 May at 9pm in the parish of Sant Joan
Baptista located in the neighborhood of Gracia, in Barcelona.
The collection, which totaled 275 Euro, has been sent to SouthAfrica
for the project “HIV/AIDS Response Program” of the
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in South Africa. Many thanks
to those who participated and to those who were unable to assist
and still have sent a donation for the project. Specially, thanks
to Lluis Vidal, of the parish, for his collaboration.
- Two applications for aid that were filed in May
before the Generalitat de Catalunya have been rejected: 1) sensitizing
project “BUTWEB-2008-CxD”, subsidy application: 6.800
Euro; 2) international cooperation project “LA MANSION-2008:
EDUCATION VERSUS MALNUTRITION”, subsidy application: 15.000
- A meeting with the members and Board of Management
of Clam was held in San Just on Friday, August 22. It focused
on the actual situation of the project La Mansión in Arequipa
(Peru), and it was followed by a dinner for those who attended.
- On the coming month of October and since José
Álvaro, president of CIESCU-Perú is in Barcelona,
we have planned to meet him and Pilar Solà, president of
CIESCU-Spain. Also and counting on the stay of Pilar in Peru during
the month of June, we will try to celebrate an open act in order
to show the project La Mansión.
- The V General Assembly of Clam per la Dignitat
is scheduled for next December 27. It will be held in the parochial
centre of Sant Vicenç de Sarrià. All members and
friends of Clam, please, save the day.
- Anyone interested on volunteering for Sostre in
Barcelona, please contact Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno at
or the Secretary’s Office.
- Following the positive experience of last winter
in Kyrgyzstan and after the building of the first “yellow
house”, which was constructed under the coordination of
Andreas Simon (please, see “Experiences” on Bulletin
no. 15, July-September 2007) we are pleased to announce that a
second house with similar characteristics is now being built.
- Last July 18, it was celebrated the second work
meeting between the teachers of the secondary school Media Robert-Bosch
of Langenau (close to the city of Ulm, Germany) who are involved
in the project La Mansión and the Board of Management of
Claim for Dignity e.V. An agreement was reached regarding a mutual
collaboration with duration of two years in order to support the
project La Mansión and regarding cooperation with the school
of La Mansión. In this respect, a special journey has been
scheduled for November 7 in the Robert-Bosch Institute due to
José Álvaro’s presence, president of CIESCU-Perú
and director of the project La Mansión.
- On Monday, July 28, there was a meeting in Tübingen
with the TheoPrax Foundation, directed by Professor Peter Eyerer,
which ended with an agreement regarding mutual collaboration for
the project La Mansión.
- Next Saturday, September 13, José Álvaro
(CIESCU-Perú), Pilar Solà (CIESCU-Spain), Prof.
Peter Eyerer (TheoPrax Foundation) and members of Claim for Dignity
e.V. will meet in Tübingen. Besides getting to know each
other personally, this encounter aims to deeply present the project
La Mansión as well as to specify the joint work for the
next months.
- Claim for Dignity e.V. intends to file an
application for the international cooperation volunteering “Weltwärts”
program sponsored by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation
and Development in order to offer a 6-month stay in Arequipa,
Perú, to young people interested in supporting the project
La Mansion. For further information please contact us.
- The traditional “Cena del Hambre”
will take place in the parish church of John the Baptist on 23rd
May 2008 (Santa Creu 2, plaza de la Virreina, 08024 Barcelona).
As we already informed previously, the collected money will be
donated to the project “HIV/AIDS Response program”
from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in South Africa. We
would like to recommend a minimum donation of 5€ per attendee.
- Our NGO “Clam per la Dignitat” will
be introduced together with other associations and organisations
in the parish centre of Saint Vincent (Barcelona), on 24th May
- The next meetings of the board of “Clam
per la Dignitat” will take place on 25th of May and 18th
August 2008. Any member or friend of our NGO is welcomed to participate.
- Friends and members of Claim for Dignity e.V.”
will meet at the evangelic parish centre of Aich/Aichtal on 5th
July 2008. In the morning session we will make working groups,
and in the afternoon session Stephanie will present her experience
in Arequipa (Peru) in relation to the project “La Mansión”
- Project “La Mansión” in Arequipa
-- The high school Robert-Bosch in Langenau has contacted our
NGO “Claim for Dignity e.V.” through SEZ (Stiftung-Entwicklung-Zusammenarbeit)
in order to evaluate the possibility of implementing a cooperation
project together with the school “La Mansión”
in Peru. The first meeting to discuss the issue will take place
at the SEZ premises in Stuttgart on 4th June 2008.
-- Stephanie will present the project “La Mansion”
in the seminar given by Prof. Walther Specht taking place in the
University of Tübingen. In addition, Prof. Specht has invited
both Stephanie and José Àlvaro, president from CIESCU,
to participate in the ninth international symposium organised
by ISMO (International Society for Mobile Youth Work) in Stuttgart
on 15-18th September 2008; the project “La Mansión”
and other results from the investigations performed by José
Álvaro will be presented.
-- Stephanie will present the project “La Mansión”
in the educational institution Hermann-Gundert-Schule from Calw,
as well as in the Christian-Morgenstern-Schule professional training
centre (including its three shelters for young people) in the
city of Reutlingen-Rommelsbach.
-- Young people interested in going to Arequina (Peru) to support
the project “La Mansión” for a period of six
to twelve months should contact us.
- José Àlvaro Ruiz, president of the
Peruvian NGO CIESCU, has been invited to come to Europe from 1st
August until 5th October 2008 by the association SCI-Bélgica
(International Civil Service). He will extend his visit to stay
in Barcelona until 20th November 2008, where he will meet members
of both “Claim for Dignity e.V.” and “Clam per
la Dignitat”.
- If you are interested in volunteering for “Sostre”
in Barcelona, please contact Javi Laguno (
or the secretary’s office.
- Our friends Roger Layola and Núria Molines got married
in Barcelona on 12th April 2008; Viola Durán and Pablo
Auset will also get married in Barcelona on 7th June 2008. Congratulations!!!
-We would like to congratulate Macarena and Javi
for the birth of their first son, Javier Baquero Dastis, born
in Barcelona on 3rd May 2008.
- We would like to have a special thought and a
prayer for the baby from our South African friends, Lufuno and
his wife, who died two days after being born.
- Project “La Mansión” in Arequipa
-- Two bank transfers have already been done, (14/01/08 y 29/02/08)
each one amounting 4.500 Euros. The money was granted to “Claim
for Dignity e.V.” by the German organisation “Landesstiftung
-- The new project will be presented to the regional government
and to the municipality of Socabaya in March. It is also envisaged
that the school’s canteen starts running in March.
-- We keep fluent communications with our German cooperant Stephanie
Wildenberg, and the president of the local NGO “CIESCU”,
José Álvaro. In spite of the inherent project difficulties,
both of them are happy with the project development.
-- Stephanie Wildenberg comes back home to Germany on 31st March
2008. We would like to organise an awareness act to collect funds.
-- If you are interested in spending from six to twelve months
in Arequina (Peru) supporting the project “La Mansión”,
please, contact us.
- The annual assembly of “Claim for Dignity
e.V.” took place in Aich/Aichtal on 15th December 2007.
Our friends and members of “Claim for Dignity e.V.”,
Annette and Andreas Simon, took the opportunity to present their
one-year experiences in Kyrgyzstan. At the end, we all shared
the traditional Christmas dinner at Sabine Molling’s place.
Next meeting is scheduled for May.
- The annual assembly of “Clam per la Dignitat”
took place in Barcelona on 28th December 2007. The annual report
was approved and the most significant decisions taken are as follows:
-- Next April (exact date still to be confirmed), the traditional
“Hunger’s Dinner” will be organised in San Felip
Neri’s chapel in the neighbourhood Gracia. This year, the
collected money will be donated to the project “HIV/AIDS
response program” in South Africa, which until recently
it was coordinated by our friend Thandi Hadbe. The new project
manager and contact person from now on is Father Herman Van Dijck
-- The schedule for the general meetings for the year 2008 will
be fixed on Monday 18/08 and 29/12, respectively. The latter will
also be the date for the annual assembly.
-- It was decided to increase the yearly membership fee to 50
Euros by unanimity. Please, let us know if you are not able to
pay this amount.
-- It was decided to manage internally the delivery of the bulletin
and other correspondence in order to reduce expenses. We would
like to thank the company “Full”, who was performing
this job up to now, and we would like to let them know that we
are open to work together again in the future.
-- Mariano Hernández, Ceci Benet and Irma Fañanás
resigned from the board. We thank them for their dedication and
collaboration, and we hope to continue having them as members
of the entity. Miriam Fernández is the new board member
of “Clam per la Dignitat”: Welcome!
- Our friend and member of “Clam per la Dignitat”,
Bea Valer, took part in the IV conference of Physiotherapy of
Central Calalunya - International Physiotherapy and International
Cooperation – presenting our experiences in the project
“MaS” in South Africa. The University organisation
of Bages de Manresa has sent a 150 Euro cheque for the project
“MaS”. We thank Bea for her work and the organisation
for the nice gesture.
- “Clam per la Dignitat” has transferred
the final 1400 Euros to the nuns responsible for the school of
disabled children in Madombidzha (South Africa, project “MaS”).
Our official collaboration ends with this donation. Nevertheless,
we are open to future collaborations and we keep in touch with
our South African friends.
-- Regarding South Africa, we have been informed that Sister Elite
is spending a year in India, her country of origin, at the request
of the Bishop. We send her many kind greetings from here.
-- Father André Stephan is again in South Africa, but this
time in another parish. We send many kind greetings from Europe!
- Laura García-Faria, member of the board
of “Clam per la Dignitat” and nurse of profession,
has decided to work a year as a volunteer in Egypt and Sudan with
the Missionaries of Charity. She has a blog in Internet:
Many greetings from Europe! We wish you the best!
- The NGO “Solidaridad” (
from Uruguay has contacted us. We are studying the possibility
of performing a collaborative action with them.
- If you are interested in volunteering for “Sostre”
in Barcelona, please, contact Javi Laguno (xavierlaguno/at/
or the secretary’s office.
- We would like to congratulate Juan and Ester for
the birth of their third child, Miquel; to Xavi and Pilar for
the birth of their second child, Josep; and to Oriol and Pati
for the birth of their third daughter, Mariona. We also have a
special memory and prayer for Maria Alba (Mireia and Xavier Lorenzo’s
Mother) and Pilar (Xavi Pla’s Mother), recently deceased.
We wish them to enjoy life in fullness.
Sensibilisation activities typically consist on
public events we promote with the aim of making our projects known
as well as contributing in other initiatives that encourage sensibilisation
and commitment to a more human and, as a consequence, fairer world.
Sometimes we combine these activities with fund raising.
