Luis Noé Fernández 2010
Sopar de la Fam 2005
Roses 2004
Sopar de la Fam 2004
Immigration at our home
- CCU Girona
Short films about Human
Rights- UPF
Agreement about Dignity
and Life
Saint Joan de Gràcia
Vedruna School
CxD has
adhered to the "Agreement for the Dignity and the
Life" promoted and coordinated by the platform E-cristians.
Tuesday 17 of June of 2003 was presented in public the Pact in
the Center Civic of the Cotxeres of Sants in Barcelona.
Text of the "Agreement for the Dignity
and the Life":
Life is the most valuable good that we have received.
Preserving life and helping others to preserve it is the most
important right and the most important duty that we have. Preserving
life means among other things to build a culture favorable to
life that does not introduce exceptions nor reductions regarding
physical nor psychological conditions or legal, social or economical
Each one has the right to live its own life. Nobody can decide
that another life does not have the right to be lived. To preserve
human life since the instant of conception until the moment of
natural death, to preserve its dignity, its moral, psychic and
physical integrity signifies to eradicate, change or improve a
series of concrete conditions in our society that impede life
or make it difficult.
Therefore and in order to achieve this purpose we propose that
citizens become fully aware and act directly to favor respect
for life. We also trust that political parties, city councils,
regional governments, the Generalitat of Catalonia, and the Central
government will give an answer at least to the issues we describe
and become fully aware that although all needs and problems cannot
be solved we will initiate a very important change and a new culture
in favor of life.
I. The family
Family, a consequence emerged from marriage, that is, a public
and responsibly assumed bond between a man and a woman in front
of society, is the natural and essential element of our society
and is entitled to be extremely protected by the former and by
the State, specially to ease its set up and to support it in the
care and the education of siblings.
1. Family, origin and center of every human life,
is seriously affected by the excessive cost of housing, by its
scarcity, by lack of housing and by the high price of rents. To
have an appropriate home is an utmost condition essential in order
to establish families. Therefore, in order to solve this problem,
we demand an emergency project for housing construction and housing
renovation, aimed to solve this problem at least in its basic
levels with the immediate reservation of ground meant to be used
for building and with financial aid for that housing access.
2. Spain, and specially the autonomous region of
Catalonia, is a developed country with an income comparable to
other countries of the European Union. We consider of prime necessity
that budgets of the State and of the Generalitat (the Catalan
autonomous government) should include, in a term of 3 years, the
economic resources necessary to level the family allowances in
Spain to the average of those in the European Union in 2002.
II. Woman’s dignity
3. Violent behaviors against women, elderly and
children, and in general, lack of protection, violence and sexual
abuses at home, are a disgraceful blot that physically damages
the person and human dignity. Taking into consideration the needs
of our society and its awareness on this matter, we believe that
the protective measures taken by our governments are absolutely
deficient. We uphold that massive support from our society is
necessary not only with the participation of those affected but
also with everybody else’s. We also demand greater efficiency
and an emphatic political standing of all institutions such as
governmental offices, town and municipal government, regional
governments, the Generalitat, as well as the central government.
It is necessary a social agreement of actions and educational
and legislative measures to avoid this kind of violence.
4. An expectant mother is usually discriminated
at work. We ask that the entitled public administrations, as well
as the trade unions, make a more energetic, faster and firmer
contribution so that legislation is observed and this mean practice
is eradicated. Companies have to scrupulously respect human rights
in this subject and have to pay special attention to it because
each woman in these circumstances is bearer of a new human being
and there is nothing more important than making this coming easier.
We ask the Labor Work Administration for the publication
of a list with the names of the companies that disobey the special
policies for pregnant women. Likewise we ask for a list of the
companies that with their working policy make easy to make compatible
family life and working life. Both listings will be made public.
III. Respect for human life
5. Respect for human life and for its development
demands peace. We all feel the urge to be builders of peace. It
is necessary that we all keep watching, day after day that we
promote peace on the places where we live and work, and that we
are careful not to yield to egoism, lie, hate and violence that
corrupt human relationships and that prevent us from receiving
the great gift of peace. We support the repeated statements and
messages as well as all the concrete peace initiatives from Pope
John Paul II in order to build up Peace regardless political parties
or ideas.
6. An abortion is the induced violent death of a
human being. We demand from the central government as well as
from municipal governments, the development of a program that,
combined with the non-governmental organizations, is addressed
to inform of all the possibilities and alternatives public and
private, for pregnant women in need, before they make the decision
of abortion. This information should be one of the prerequisites
to be fulfilled before an abortion. We also demand that a help
network should be established in order to assist pregnant women
in need (due to low income or lack of family help), which would
provide practical solutions to their problems, such as flexible
hours in their work, economic assistance and sheltered homes.
7. Abortion legislation is infringed on a public
and systematic basis not only regarding the fulfillment of the
terms provided by law but also regarding the application of legalized
assumptions. The media has been denouncing the fraudulent activity
of private hospitals that make business out of abortion. We ask
from the Public Health Department of the Generalitat and the judges
to guarantee the fulfillment of norms that the Criminal Code provides.
In the same way because of the usual methods of these private
clinics, we demand the constitution of a governmental figure to
control these clinics in order to make sure the fulfillment of
the law.
8. We also ask that the actual legislation on assisted
reproduction guarantees in a more serious way the rights of the
embryos, puts limits to the commercial practices of private hospitals
when it comes to produce more embryos that those that will be
implanted, and also its safeguard so that they are not used as
lab materials. For some, a human embryo is not yet a human being,
but it is evident that it contains all the genetic potential of
a person and, as this, is carrier of the same dignity and deserves
the maximum respect.
9. We demand that public institutions, universities
and, specially, mass media give realistic information about the
situation on the possibilities of embryonic and non-embryonic
cells. There is a manipulation in altars of the economic interest
that silences investigation and therapeutic applications made
in people with mother cells of adults; and presents however, like
immediate realities, therapeutic solutions with embryonic mother
cells, obtained with the destruction of human embryos when, in
fact, medicine does not know any therapeutic treatment with people
which have been successful.
IV. Education of children, teenagers and
young people based on respect for life and human dignity.
10a) Human values must inspire and impel the education
in all the educative centers. This teaching must be oriented,
above all, to the promotion of students to become people projected
towards the individual and collective good. We ask for that moral
and civic education to be a high-priority target in the diverse
educative levels of Catalonia and valuable to all the effects.
Likewise we request that, in the development of these plans of
study, religious education of quality is included in order to
help children and the young to seek a sense of transcendence,
and to understand in depth the human history in order to find
reasons and impulses to build a better society.
b) Each family needs to be able to choose freely the school that
better suits its educative project. Scholastic pluralism offers
parents the election of regulated teaching institutions that meet
the different deep options of the human consciences. This pluralism
must be favored and protected because it is an expression and
a guarantee of freedom.
11. A proposal for education of human emotional
nature and of sexuality, in line with the objectives of laws of
education, will be opened to confront all the possible ways to
solve the problem of AIDS and precocious pregnancies. Furthermore
this proposal will intend to completely form students looking
for a true growth of their maturity, to make them be able to establish
conscious, constructive and responsible relations with others.
By cutting down this sexual education to the promotion of campaigns
encouraging the use of condoms and forgetting the psychological
aspect implied in a sexual relationship, we ignore this urgent
educative necessity in our schools. We demand, from the Departments
of Health and Education of the Generalitat, the establishment
of educative centers with a true and serious affective-sexual
project of education created with the participation of teachers
and parents. This project should begin in childhood and should
have a continuous development throughout all the educative stages.
We request not only a unique educative proposal, but also the
consideration of other alternatives which will allow those centers
to freely decide which one they will follow. This should go together
with economic resources to help those serious citizen initiatives
that might have a higher demand in the educative reality of Catalonia.
12. A consequence of the last change on the Spanish
criminal code is that parents cannot forbid the practice of sexual
relationships to teenagers from the age of 14 on, no matter if
it is a homosexual or heterosexual relationship and independently
of the age of the partner. We consider that this rule is opposed
to the well being adolescents and opposed to common sense, and
leaves the responsibility and the duties of the parents in an
untenable situation. We demand that the change of this age is
to match the age required for a young person in order to have
legal responsibility.
13. Normalization of chemical drug addictions, generalization
of dangerous use of alcohol during weekends or the combination
of both, by young people and, frequently, by teenagers is a fact.
We demand the incorporation of a more restrictive legislation
and the set up of an effective monitoring of the nocturnal leisure
at discos, musical bars and after-hours, that controls age limit
access to these establishments and also schedules and distribution
of addictive substances in these premises. It is necessary to
promote the practice of healthful and creative activities.
14. When legislating or regulating issues in which
minors are involved, it is of justice to give them priority as
to what is most beneficial for their spiritual and material development,
keeping in mind that these aspects are usually their weakest part
on their relationship with others.
V. Human life needs dignified conditions
to be fully lived
15. Poverty and discrimination attempt against the
dignity of the human being. Public administrations, City Councils
- specially large ones, like Barcelona -, the Generalitat and
the central government are not using enough resources and don’t
use properly the ones that they already have. Needs are growing
in a faster way than the limited resources that are already available.
We request from the administration a coordinated plan of action
based under criteria with a subsidiary nature in regards with
the social initiative organizations who act in the field of poverty
and discrimination, aiming at the disappearance of this social
stratum. We demand that none of the public benefits give rise
to poverty situations as it actually happens, for example, with
some widow's pensions.
16. Immigration is essentially a human reality that
requires a real answer. It cannot be treated as a problem of public
order or economic resources. We claim from city councils, both
of the Generalitat and of the central government, policies of
asylums with social, legal, labor and linguistic integration.
We also support the recognition of familiar regrouping.
17. Prostitution has developed extraordinarily in
our country with the indifference, and even with the facilities
of some municipal administrations. Mass media is doing such a
publicity of this activity, that it has become an new fact in
Europe, contributing with this social blot described by the United
Nations as a new way of slavery. Prostitution on a large scale
in the known places for sexual contacts is an insult to dignity
of people. We demand from the central government and from the
Generalitat the adoption of measures in order to eradicate prostitution,
and to socially integrate on the labor system those who practice
it. We request from the city councils a restrictive policy with
tolerance zero to prostitution activities, specially with those
that are carried out on great scale like a great organized business
for we believe that the Swedish model constitutes a reference
guideline to orient the measures to follow.
18. The dignity of the person and her/his life does
not depend on its physical, psychical or legal situation. In this
sense we demand a review of the policies of prisons, putting an
end to overcrowding and adapting prisons to their main purpose,
which is the social rehabilitation of prisoners. Without a realistic
and systematic education at work, without programs for the social
and working reinsertion, prison is a store or a factory of criminals
instead of being a recovery center for citizens.
VI. Death, the last act of life
19. The right to die with dignity consists of the
right of each human being to be treated like a person, to be respected,
to be taken care of, and to have his needs taken care of. One
might experience a feeling of fear of death, but it is not because
of the inevitable fact of dying but because of a situation of
suffering and solitude.
20. Palliative care is are a set of measures directed
to attenuate the suffering of the patient and of its family. They
affirm life and consider death as part of a natural process within
life itself. These resources don’t intend to fasten neither
to delay death, but to integrate all its physical, psychological
and spiritual aspects of the dying human beings. These resources
try to give an answer to diverse problems that are present when
someone dies. We have to exhort society to develop more and better
ways to be with and to take care of people who are dying. It is
necessary that we all participate in this human task: doctors,
sanitary personnel, relatives, friends and volunteers.
VII. The relevance of television on the
education of values related to human life
21. We ask for the examination of the programs on
TV. At this moment the contents and the schedules are harmful
to children. In these times, in which parents (both, the mother
and the father) might be working, and children remain alone at
home for many hours, it is necessary to review the contents of
TV programs, with the intention of avoiding those films, shows,
and so on, that might promote violence or inadequate social and
sexual attitudes for the age of the minor.
22. Television has such influence on family life
that there is a special responsibility to it. We request that
television networks follow a behavior code which, respecting their
share of audience and interests, are compatible with the family
as a whole during the days and schedules when it gets together.
Public powers have to create a criterion for the performance of
televisions in these aspects, just like it has been done and regulated
in other concrete questions. Television can actively contribute
to knowledge, and use of correct language and rich expressions.
TV is able to improve education and communication between the
people. We ask for this way of behavior that will put and end
to the actual denigration in which our television incurs progressively.
23. Respect for the religious fact is a fundamental
element in the conscience and, therefore, in the dignity of people.
On this matter, we demand the application of the criteria of the
Catalonia Broadcasting Council, approved on May 9th of 2002, and
we also ask this institution to enforce public TV to use this
criterion, because, if not, its credibility in audio-visual matters
will be irreparably damaged.
24. Public televisions, taking into consideration
that they are being supported with the money of all the citizens,
have the strict obligation to follow the above-mentioned duties
and become an ethic reference for this field.