Luis Noé Fernández 2010
Sopar de la Fam 2005
Roses 2004
Sopar de la Fam 2004
Immigration at our home
- CCU Girona
Short films about Human
Rights- UPF
Agreement about Dignity
and Life
Saint Joan de Gràcia
Vedruna School
Luis Noé Fernández 2010
The Foundation Alimerka has given to Clam per la
Dignitat the Luís Noé Fernández prize, in
the category of "Hunger Elimination", in recognition
to the task performed by Clamor por la Dignidad Perú &
Claim for Dignity e.V Deutschland on the project "Village
without hunger", La Mansión, Arequipa, Perú.
The prize consists in 5000€ which will completely be forwarded
to the project.

La Nueva Espana

El Comercio

La Voz des Asturias |