Luis Noé Fernández 2010
Sopar de la Fam 2005
Roses 2004
Sopar de la Fam 2004
Immigration at our home
- CCU Girona
Short films about Human
Rights- UPF
Agreement about Dignity
and Life
Saint Joan de Gràcia
Vedruna School
de la Fam 2005
Last Friday march the 11th we held a penitential
dinner at Centre Heura in Josepets Parrish (Barcelona) More than
50 people from all ages assisted to the meeting.
Three groups presented their experience as volunteers:
• Bernat, a 21 year old student of “Social
Education”, shared on behalf of Hèdera’s Association
his experience as a volunteer in the prison of Quatre Camins.
He remarked the impact and welcome of the work developed by volunteers,
and life conditions in prison, especially monotony and anguish.
From his experience he questioned the efficiency of reinsertion
in our penitentiary system.
• Carme and Mrs Dies commented on the difficulties they
have to go through to develop Càrites aid tasks in the
most poor local environment of their neighbourhood , economical,
support from the local administrations, pride and negative responses
from the people affected. They focused in two ilustrative cases
in detail: An elder argentinian married couple that from night
to day found themselves without economical resources (because
of the argentinian crack) and a separated mother in need for help
to scholarize her daughter. Both cases pointed out the difficulties
to keep a fundamental right as is a home compatiblizing it with
their feeding necessities and in contrast to the capacity of working
and superation of the affected. These cases reflected the need
for a small but unavoidable help that entities like Càrites
or the same parish through it offer.
• Bea from Clam per la Dignitat showed the darkest side
of a potentially rich country like South Africa from the experience
of a work camp which took place in the summer of 2004. The aim
was the construction of a school and dinning room for physically
and psychically handicapped children. The attendees focused in
groups on constructive and educative tasks. After setting a frame
for the entity and project she enumerated the contrasts lived
and the welcome from the different communities. She then commented
on the future objectives for the next triennium.
To finish the event we had a frugal dinner composed
by bread with oil, salt, water and fruit juices. A volunteer donation
was collected from the assistants for Càrites and Clam
per la Dignitat.
Aleix Layola
