Luis Noé Fernández 2010
Sopar de la Fam 2005
Roses 2004
Sopar de la Fam 2004
Immigration at our home
- CCU Girona
Short films about Human
Rights- UPF
Agreement about Dignity
and Life
Saint Joan de Gràcia
Vedruna School
de la Fam 2004
The passed Friday day two of April was organized
a supper of the Hunger in the locals of the Sarria Parish in Barcelona.
Through a presentation with informatics support
the oral explanation was complemented that was carried out to
bring to light what is our organisation “Clam per la Dignitat”
(CxD), how began and what we carry at present among hands, mainly
the project “MaS”: construction of a school-dining
room for diminished psychic children in Madombizha (Sudàfrica).
About 50 people attended at the act, most of them
youth, who were very interested. After the explanation, was distributed
them something to have dinner –more than a supper, something
to share- and we could continue answering, already more to personal
level, the questions or doubts that went happening.
T-shirts were put for sale of CxD, designed for
the occasion, that also are for sale for whom he having interest.
The organizer team do a positive appraisal of the
act, not only by it collected economic that is always one more
aid to carry out the project, but because we believe very important
the sensibilization in the theme of the volunteer and the cooperation
as well as the to bring to light other realities of the world.
Many thanks to all!
